Publié le par shlomo

Plus d’un an après les faits, plus de neuf mois après le rapport israélien, dix mois après l’écoeurant reportage apologique d’une TSR menée par le bout du nez, huit mois après une autre production TSRienne dégoulinante de parti-pris pro-Hezbollah et des mois après les rejets (1 + 2) des plaintes administratives lancées par des citoyens suisses scandalisés, voici que l’une des principales sources de l’assurance des journalistes en question fait enfin le procès du Hezbollah:

Hezbollah forces in Lebanon fired thousands of rockets into Israel, causing civilian casualties and damage to civilian structures. Hezbollah’s means of attack relied on unguided weapons that had no capacity to hit military targets with any precision. It repeatedly bombarded cities, towns, and villages without any apparent effort to distinguish between civilians and military objectives. (…)

Rockets killed and injured Israelis in their homes and workplaces, and on the streets of villages and cities. Rockets struck hospitals in Nahariya, Safed, and Mazra, an elementary school in Kiryat Yam, and a post office in Haifa. Such attacks on civilians and civilian structures were often the foreseeable consequence of Hezbollah’s attacks, and, as its statements indicate, were at times intended. (…)

Hezbollah rockets repeatedly hit populated areas in Israel. In some of those cases, we could find no evidence there had been a legitimate military target in the vicinity at the time of the attack, suggesting it was a deliberate attack on civilians. In other cases, we found that there had been a military object in the vicinity but, even assuming Hezbollah had been intending to hit the military target instead of civilians, the unguided rockets it used was incapable of distinguishing between the two. At the time of attack, Hezbollah also failed to take all feasible precautions to minimize loss of civilian life, such as by issuing “effective advance warning . . . of attacks which may affect the civilian population.”

Based on an assessment of numerous declarations and 89 wartime communiqués issued by Hezbollah about its attacks in Israel, we also conclude that, although Hezbollah leaders and spokesmen often expressed support for the principle of sparing civilians on both sides from attack, they both repeatedly threatened to attack Israeli towns and settlements and claimed responsibility for specific attacks on Israeli towns and settlements, alongside the claims they made of hitting specific military targets inside Israel. Hezbollah’s attacks in violation of the laws of war, when combined with such statements indicating criminal intent, is strong evidence that some Hezbollah members and commanders were responsible for war crimes.

Oui, le Hezbollah a délibérément visé des civils et s’en est vanté à la télévision. Et si ses gesticulations ne font pas leur effet d’ici là, HRW présentera dans quelques temps le deuxième volet de son rapport, consacré aux victimes libanaises:

We will be addressing additional aspects of the conflict, including allegations that Hezbollah repeatedly used civilian “shields,” in a forthcoming report, Accounting for the Dead: Civilian Deaths in Lebanon during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War.

Où l’on «apprendra» que les victimes étaient sans doute beaucoup plus militaires que civiles et qu’Israël, de son côté, contrairement au Hezbollah, a déployé d’immenses efforts pour éviter de toucher des civils. Mais depuis plus d’un an, les médias ont perverti l’opinion en abreuvant l’Occident du message selon lequel cette guerre et ses victimes sont à mettre au débit du seul État moderne et démocratique du Moyen-Orient.



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